I had a freaking blast at Zumba last night. My BFF has a few weeks left of membership at the same gym as me, and she came down from her too far away house to shake it with me. I went to a class lead by one of the top Zumba instructors in the state. I loved it. I'm actually looking forward to going again. After a weekend of THREE aerobics classes, I am pretty sore today. My calves and my shoulders are yelling at me. I can also feel it in my inner thighs when I walk. PAIN IS GOOD! Let's keep this up!
I found out about this cool site today - http://dietbet.com/ In a nutshell, you sign up and can either join a game or start your own with friends. People in the game place bets and have 4 weeks to lose 4% of their weight. Everyone's money goes into the game's "pot" and at the end, whoever has lost at least 4% wins a slice of the pot. There are several open games with varied amounts you need to bet, and have a varied amount of players which of course means a bigger pot to win from. I'm not sure yet if it's something I want to do, because if I'm honest with myself I'm not sure if I can lose 4% in 4 weeks, but I really like the idea of it. I really, really like the idea of it. After looking through the website it looks pretty freaking cool!
Yesterday I ate out for lunch, AND had fondue for dinner with Hubs. Since I burned 665 calories during Zumba, I came out with a deficit of 701 calories. Not too shabby considering those two meals! I am looking forward to this week because I am starting to pick up work lunch and snacks in the lower calorie range, helping me out with staying in range of my daily calorie goal. Last week I tracked, but the snacks I had were still fairly high calorie. This should be a good week! I also brought in my gigantor water bottle today, so I'll start drinking from it and peeing a lot. Back when I lost a bunch of weight several years ago, I had the most success when I drank 60oz water per day. I can't remember how many ounces this has, but it's massive!
Maybe I should bet on myself. Hmmm....
Yesterday's totals
Calories consumed - 2018
Calories burned - 2719
Deficit - 701
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