Every week a blogger posts a question on their ... blog ... YOU answer it as a post on your own blog, and comment on the original blog with your link. Yay, new friends! *BONUS* You get to learn a few new things about your favorite blogger. Here is this week's topic:
What’s in Your Fridge??
2. What kind of milk do you drink? 1% usually. I tried skim, I really did. I just can't do it.
3. Do you prefer fresh or frozen vegetables? I buy frozen for convenience, because fresh veggies go bad so fast!
4. What do you currently have to drink in the fridge? Wine. But I mostly drink the filtered water from the fridge door.
5. How often do you clean out your refrigerator? When Hubs begs me and starts asking what the hell does the tupperware contain.
6. What’s the healthiest thing in it right now? Greek yogurt. Yummmm!
7. What’s the most unhealthy thing in it right now? Fuzzy food.
8. What do you wish you had in it that you don’t have now? A cheeseburger.
9. How often do you shop for groceries? Once a week, less if I can help it.
10. What’s the weirdest thing in your fridge right now? ....See question 7 :)
Bonus: If you could choose one thing to put in the fridge and make it calorie-free what would it be? ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now tell me, what's in your fridge? Answer in your own blog and put your link in my comments below! Then, check out the blog where I got this idea, www.alltheweigh.com !
Ahhh I am SO BAD at cleaning out my fridge. I'm having guilt now;) And yes to calorie-free ice cream!